I grew up playing a Coleco Vision and "Oregon Trails" on the Commodore 64, so I am still very much amazed by the internet and the enormous changes it has made to our lives. Karis and Lydia are great friends even though they live in two different states and see each other once every blue moon. They stay in touch through all the web has to offer, in addition to the occasional "old school" phone call...

Lydia and Karis, thanks so much for letting me be a part of Y'alls visit!!

Leah, oh my word! They are beautiful girls to begin with, but you are so amazing at this! I am.....amazed.
yes, thank you sooo much leah! you are the bomb (and the wittiest...)
Beautiful girls, beautiful friendship, beautiful pictures. Thank you, Leah!
Leah LOVE the picture! beautiful!
Hey Leah!! These are amazing! When are you gonna fly to GR and take B's new pics:) Very well done friend!
Girl in the purple is HOT Beautiful pics!
I found your blog from OSP...great work!
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