Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Senior at the Farm

I have a couple senior shoots to post this week; strange thing is, they are all guys. Normally, the only guys I photograph are still running around in diapers, so it is a nice change to have a chance to work with a great group of older guys.
First up, is Daniel. I am not sure if anything phases this guy, he was polite, mellow, and very patient. It was hot and humid throughout the shot and he never offered a complaint. He was flying out a couple days after our session to perform at Carnegie Hall in NY with his H.S. choir group. He is also a musician and brought along his guitars for some shots...

Daniel, thanks for working with me on your Senior Portraits (and Martha, thanks for chasing cats out of the picture). I hope your NY trip was a blast!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Phaunt Actions

If you are a photographer or a Photoshop fan, go to http://www.phauntactions.com/blog/?p=159 to download 30 free actions for the Phaunt Birthday giveaway!

Friday, April 18, 2008


I had a great time with Karis today, not only is she witty, smart, and fun to be around, but she is also "gorgeous" (as a some what strange man came and told us) and so very easy to take pictures of!

Dave, you may want to start dusting off the ol' shotgun soon!

As we were driving away we heard the whistle of a train, so we both jumped out of the vehicle and grabbed this picture.

Karis, I had a great time with you today and I can't wait to finish part two of your session.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Brother and Sister

Jackie wanted some shots with her brother Danny during her Senior Session, it was very cool to watch these two interact with eachother. Danny knows just what to do to get Jackie to laugh, and Jackie seems to enjoy laughing...

One last jumping shot

This is one of my favorite shots from that day, so I thought I would try to sneak it in. Jackie you look awesome! Thanks for letting me take ya'lls pictures!