I was pretty upset when this session was rained out. I would have dragged them all out into the rain but it was also dark, dreary, and dank. Not the best climate for a newborn. Even one as tough as little Paulie J. I snapped some pictures anyway... What a sweet addition to an already great family!
My poor blog is suffering, in large part because of my horrible file system. I am currently in the process of remaking my blog and website and it is taking me FOREVER! I really wish that I had put all the images from my original website into one folder but that would have made too much sense and sometimes I seem to lack any of that. Anyway, I will continue to plug along on my website in the meantime here are some images from September, which is almost over!
I have been meaning to post these pictures for close to a month now! I was planning on waiting until my new blog was up and running. But since that is taking QUITE a bit longer then I expected...
Don't tell anyone, but I am not sure what the point is of the Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, Texas. If you have never been to this little tourist attraction, let me explain, it is a number of cadillacs half buried in the sand that are sprayed with graffiti. Maybe the point is there is no point. Regardless, we had lots of fun and enjoyed our little visit...
We visited the location with our dear friends several weeks ago...
I hope to have my new blog up soon as well as several big(ish) changes to my business.
Cara and Matt's wedding was beautifully simple, sweet and lacking any pretension. These are some good people and I enjoyed every minute with them. They are such an incredible couple! Not only are the kind, caring, and generous to eachother but they treat everyone else the same way. The only thing I did not like about this wedding was that Dustin was not with me! I have officially decided that I will never shoot without him again. When I saw a great shot, I had no one to share it with!
Let's start with Cara, the beautiful bride...
The ceremony was held at Thompson Memorial Park, in view of the Amusment park where Cara and Matt met (at the bumper car ride)!
The BBQ was prepared by friends of the bride and groom and I loved, LOVED, that they forced me to eat! I think I was asked at least 6 times to sit down, take a break, and enjoy some food! Awesome!
I loved that at the reception people were having fun and celebrating and hitting the dance floor with a vengeance...
Cara and Matt! I am so glad that I met you both and that I was able to shoot your wonderful wedding. I wish you the best as Matt heads off to Basic Training. Let's get those horses ready for a trash the dress shoot :)