By the end of Jackie's senior portraits I was seriously concerned for her safety! She banged her head while climbing into a tree and got a nice scrap/bump. Then she knelt down in some fire weed and got a lovely rash! I was a bit paranoid when she wanted pictures on the trampoline but no serious mishap to report. She is always laughing and is such a fun person to be around...

I was also lucky enough to photograph her brother Danny, and will post his pictures soon. A special thanks to the Zim's for use of their wonderful farm!
OOOHHHH goodness, NOT loving the dress one. Haha. But thats ok, the other two are nice. Thanks Leah, youre the greatest!
Ohh! I liked the dress picture! You looked like a rockstar! But I took it down for you :(
see you tomorrow!
AWW i wanted to see it! jackie, youd better show me. your hot!
Those are really great Jackie! You look so pretty :) What a beast.
Admittedly, she's a lovely young lady. However, we're still looking for that lovely youngish couple that you've recently taken pictures of....you know...probably your two most favorite subjects?????
having fun,
Jackies so CUTE Love your pics awesome job Leah!
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