Dustin: As Leah's husband, I don't often get a chance to blog, but I asked for the opportunity immediately upon our return from Sam & Marie's wedding. I felt compelled to get some of my thoughts out.
Sam & Marie's wedding was wonderful, and I was moved... (can I say this in a manly way?) ...to tears. Marie glowed, and Sam was smitten… Perhaps enchanted would be a better word to use for Sam.
Their love for each other was apparent to any drooling neanderthal who happened to witness it. Enter drooling neanderthal. The love of the Bride and Groom for each other, the joy of their union, and the anticipation of their future together; this is what makes weddings the best celebrations we have in life. It makes us think about what is important and worth holding on to. It helps us to realize what is truly good in life. And for some of us, it makes us hopeful and excited in anticipation of a greater wedding ceremony to come…
Marie played the piano, and Sam the guitar; together they led all in a time of worship to the Living God. This was beautiful. They subordinated the joy of their union, to the anticipation of the return of Christ. Enter tears.
Thank you both for the opportunity to join in the celebration. You are a beautiful couple, and I wish you grace, favor and blessing...